Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today is Thursday and i've got nothing to do.. then I remember some of my friends ask me if I can show them my daily make up tutorial. Why not?!

Then I took my camera, and start filming myself..hahahahaha...

Actually, this tutorial just want to show you simple ways to create a nice look..
Basically, you just need loose and compact powder, blush, eye liner, lipstick and dark eyeshadow.. These things are just like your must-have-item in your beauty pouch.

So, I hope you enjoy my tutorial, and feel free to ask me anything about beauty or maybe another request for make up tutorial.

Lizzie Parra


  1. hai.. you look stunning :)

    mau tanya, hope u'll reply it :D

    aq punya daerah mata yg gelap, dibawah maupun di pelupuk mata.. karena keturunan dan alergi yg aq idap (doctor's say)

    trus.. gimana caranya bikin mata tampak cerah.. harus pake apa dulu di bag mata (sekalian ngasih tau merk nya juga boleh), karena basic foundation didn't work on me..

    thank you so much :)

  2. Dear Mutia..

    Heyhoo,,nice to know you :)

    Pelupuk dan mata bagian bawah yg berwarna agak gelap memang banyak dialami sm org2 yg ada keturunan timur tengah, india ataupun mungkin kecapekan..

    Cara utk meng covernya memang ga cukup dgn basic foundation, krn tekstur foundation krg compact utk mengcover si daerah gelap.. Utk meng cover itu you have to use ur concealer after foundation.. Utk brand nya sendiri banyak kok, kamu bs beli MAC, MUFE atau brand lainnya. Cm make sure warnanya sdkt lebih terang atau at least sama dgn warna muka kamu yah..

    And remember to use ur eyecream treatment, krn daerah bwh mata situ plg sensitif, plg tipis, jd memang plg mudah keriput, hitam ataupun berkantong jd butuh perawatan khusus.

    Hope it helps :)

  3. Merk lipstik yg warna nude buat sehari" bagusnya apa yah?


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